lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


Was / Were.

Aqui encontraran unas cuantos ejercicios para fortalecer conocimientos.

Pasa las frases a pasado

Aquí tienes unas cuantas frases en presente. Escríbelas en pasado y comprueba tus respuestas al final:
  1. I am not a teacher.
  2. They are having a party.
  3. We are delighted to see him.
  4. He is still sleeping.
  5. She is a bit scared.
  6. You are not on the list.
  7. This/that is not a cat.
  8. You are all at school.

Rellena los huecos

Completa estas frases con las palabras necesarias para que estén en pasado simple:
  1. We ______________ in Canberra last spring.
  2. Jamie ______________ 25 last June.
  3. You ______________ very busy on Friday.
  4. I ______________ at home yesterday.
  5. ______________ you at work this morning?
  6. He ______________ not surprised by the present.
  7. It ______________ not very dangerous.
  8. She ______________ interested in science.


Ahora viene la parte difícil. Piensa en algún momento de tu pasado, quizás tu adolescencia o niñez, y describe cómo eras en aquel momento. Utiliza otros verbos aparte de «to be» si lo necesitas, pero mantenlo todo en pasado. Tienes un ejemplo en la sección de respuestas, al final. ¡Adelante con ello!


  1. was not a teacher.
  2. They were having a party.
  3. We were delighted to see him.
  4. He was still sleeping.
  5. She was a bit scared.
  6. You were not in the list.
  7. It was not a cat.
  8. You were all at school

  1. We were in Canberra last spring.
  2. Jamie was 25 last June.
  3. You were very busy on Friday.
  4. was at home yesterday.
  5. Were you at work this morning?
  6. He was not surprised by the present.
  7. It was not very dangerous.
  8. She was interested in science.

As a child, I was very shy. I did not like to play with other children and I was always alone. My parents were worried about me, but I think I was happy that way, with my pictures and my imagination. I was always making up stories and drawing them. Maybe that was why I became an illustrator later. I was not interested in school at all, but I managed to get good marks, and all my teachers were very impressed and said I was exceptionally smart. I don't know if they were right, but I did very well in high school and university later on.

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Ejercicios,regular verbs.

Ejercicios ¿Vamos a ver cómo lo llevamos? Empezamos con el los ejercicios para practicar los Regular Verbs. 🙂 I ______ my best...